Saturday, November 2, 2013


I've been really bad at updating..and honestly, I tried many times to sit down and write, but it just wasn't there. And I should know better and remember, that when I don't feel like it, is when I need to do these things the most.

I've sat here wondering how to update..because time always eases the pain. I felt a lot of frustration, anger, confusion and heartache last week..and at the same time I felt comfort. But after all is said and done..I just NEVER felt that peace that all doors were shut and that was the end. That was the hardest part..I was trying to do what I felt was right, I was following the guidance of the spirit in going to Nashville, I've always felt like this fetal surgery was what we were supposed to being told No by 1 Doctor, not the spirit, after we made that sacrifice was so hard to accept.

But we did.

We packed up our bags and flew home. We prayed for comfort that that was the end and we tried to move on with our lives. But my heart was just empty. I tried to throw myself back into work and I tried to walk around the house and get into the festivities of Halloween, and I tried to volunteer at Addy's school..but I felt like I was in a twilight zone and this was just not what I was supposed to be doing. I thought that maybe I just wasn't being humble enough..and this whole time I was doing something that "I" wanted to do. But there's nothing fun or enticing about this surgery. It scares me and it has it's risks..but I was doing it because I felt it was right for our family.

Looking back at Nashville there are lots of blessings that happened. We didn't go there for nothing

Everything happens for a reason.

After being told during our evaluation on Monday that there were some abnormalities with my placenta and that they wanted to wait and see if it healed..we had a series of events that lead us to opportunities to forget about ourselves and help others and share the gospel of Jesus Christ. We helped 2 homeless men that in return helped us more than we helped them. Isn't it funny how that happens? :) It reminded me of the importance of slowing down in life. We didn't have non-stop errands to be running when someone stopped and asked for help, we spent hours talking with them and getting to know their story. What an amazing experience that is. To hear what happened along the way to bring them to where they are now..and share with them how this isn't the end of their story, and how they can move forward and start new. It was so humbling to experience that and remember that EVERY SINGLE person on this earth is struggling with something. Our struggles are just all different. But when we help one another, it eases our burdens. We had lunch with one of them, and helped him find an AA meeting/house. The other we spent the next few days, helping him with different things and having the missionaries meet with him in our hotel room. We've talked with him since coming home, and we know those experiences will always stay with us.
Everything happens for a reason.
We were able to meet a family that had the fetal surgery almost a year ago and meet their adorable little girl. To see her and ask them questions was a priceless experience.

Everything happens for a reason.

We learned more about Camden, about the surgery and what his struggles mean right now. He doesn't have hydrocephalus yet, but he does have the hindbrain herniation which is where the brain is being sucked like a vacuum into his spine, from the hole in his spine. The #1 benefit of fetal surgery, is it reverses that quickly. So being able to do the surgery would help his brain go back where it's supposed to, and he wouldn't get hydrocephalus since he doesn't have it yet. We learned that his defect/lesion in his spine is larger than we thought and the nerves that are connected with those open lumbar regions in his spine mainly affect him from the hips down. Again..closing that hole could prevent more damage to the nerves and be amazing for Camden. 

Everything happens for a reason.

Onto the whirlwind of events yesterday: 

I had 2 Doctor appointments yesterday. 1 with a new High Risk Specialist who is nationally known and came highly recommended. When he heard about our story this far, he made calls to Denver Children's Hospital where he personally knows 2 of the Doctors on the Fetal Surgery team and asked them if they would consider our case. They said yes. This was before ever meeting us. When we came in yesterday I was blown away by his enthusiasm and energy and expertise. I felt so comforted moving forward knowing I was in good hands. He told us what he'd been doing so far with our case and I immediately asked about the issues with the placenta. He pointed to the ultra sound screen and said, "THESE??? You're worried about these placental lakes?!?!"
I started laughing and said, well yes..that's why Vanderbilt wouldn't do the surgery.
He continued to tell us that 1 in 10 women have these during their pregnancies and they're nothing to be concerned about. But with fetal surgery, the main 3 hospitals don't like anything less than perfect so they always have the best possible outcomes. Understandable..but we've also felt very strongly knowing that I will be okay, and Denver won't put me at risk just to do a surgery..that wouldn't benefit them at all.
We've learned that the neurosurgeon that will be performing the surgery on Camden was trained under the Doctor who created the surgery, and he was part of the Mom's study and now trains other hospitals in how to do this surgery. So the entire team may not be the best, but the Surgeon is one of the best.  My Doctor strongly suggested meeting with them. so we are.  We went to the temple last night and received the answers we needed, as hard as they are to accept and do this all over again. Everything is already set in place and Colorado will be flying us out and providing us with housing.
Huge blessings.
We leave Sunday night, evaluations all day Monday, and I believe surgery is Tuesday but I'm not sure. Friday will be my deadline, when I'm 26 weeks, so it's somewhat ironic that this all fell into place for us just in time. ;) 

Everything happens for a reason.

We have done everything we can. We didn't go searching for this last fell into our laps and we know without a doubt that we need to do it. We don't want to..this isn't convenient, we're emotionally exhausted, I am scared for the unknowns of never being in surgery before and praying my body can keep him in as long as possible, and we don't enjoy throwing other people's lives out of whack to help us, but when the Spirit speaks, we listen. and there is always a reason for everything. 

It has been an absolute roller coaster, but HIS will, will always work out in HIS time. This life was not meant to be's simply a test, and this song has brought us comfort this week as we've tried to be patient during our test.

Tell me friend, why are you blind?Why doesn't he who worked the miraclessend light into your eyesTell me friend if you understand.Why doesn't he with power to raise the dead just make you whole again?It would be so easy for him.I watch you and in sorrow question why.Then you my friend in perfect faith reply.
Didn't he say he sent us to be tested?Didn't he say the way would not be sure?But didn't he say that we could live with himForever more, well and whole,If we but patiently endure?After the trial we would be blessedBut this life is the test.
Tell me friend, I see your pain.Why when you pray in faith for healing does the crippling thorn remain?Help me see if you understand.Why doesn't he who heal the lame mancome with healing in his wings?It would be so easy for him.I watch you and in sorrow question whyThen you my friend in perfect faith reply
Didn't he say he sent us to be tested?Didn't he say the way would not be sure?But didn't he say that we could live with himForever more, well and whole,If we but patiently endure?After the trialWe would be blessed.But this life is the test.
Tell me love why must you die?Why must your loved ones stand with empty arms and ask the question why?Help me know so I can go on.How when your love in faith sustain me,Can the precious gift be gone?From the depths of sorrow I cry.Though pangs of grief within my soul arise,The whisperings of the spirit still my cries.
Didn't he say he sent us to be tested?Didn't he say the way would not be sure?But didn't he say we could live with himForever more, well and whole,If we but patiently endure?After the trial we would be blessed.But this life is the test.

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Monday, October 21, 2013

Update from Nashville


We are never given more than we can handle. 
I'll admit, today I doubted this. I've wanted to punch someone in the face, I've wanted to scream and shout, I've cried, I've doubted that my faith is strong enough, but I've never asked WHY this blessing we've been given, was given to us. But today I asked WHY are we being tested again. We had 5 hours worth of consultations with the specialists from every department. So helpful, so educational, we learned so much more about Camden, but we had 1 more setback which will delay the surgery.

Camden is the PERFECT candidate..we learned more about the location of the defect, size and after the neurosurgeon that closes the spine saw his images..he said this will be amazing for him and will help him greatly.

But dang placenta is being a pain. Apparently, when I had the amniocentesis done last week which was a requirement for the surgery, the needle poked my placenta and has created a decent size pocket of blood in my placenta which is a restriction for getting the surgery. The good news is, things like this can heal and they're hopeful that it will heal this week so we're getting another ultrasound on Friday and that will give us either a Yes to have surgery next Tuesday or we'll get our for sure No that isn't the plan for Camden.

Of course we've struggled with that after all the many miracles and blessings we've seen. We have definitely felt guided along this journey and although it hasn't been easy...we have grown so much in our abilities to move forward, to be strong, and how much our faith has increased. I love a quote that was left in a comment, "you cannot have fear and faith in your heart at the same time." This has been EXTREMELY difficult and definitely something that I've been being taught and will have to continue to work on over and over. I had to go through a whirlwind of emotions and struggle with: "WHY this is being delayed, What if we get a No on Friday after all of this. This is FAR from convenient..financially, we miss our kids, we don't want to interfere with other people's lives that are helping us, etc." But after an evening of letting ourselves go through this emotional roller coaster, and from listening to talks from the leaders of our church, listening to church music and prayer - we feel that peace...that undeniable peace that we need to stay and get our answer.

I don't know what that answer is. But I know that as I humble myself and turn Camden over to his Heavenly Father, that everything will be okay. That there IS a reason for all of this. That there are things we have learned ONLY through this process and things we will continue to learn as to WHY we went through this years down the road. We were not guided out here for NO reason. Of that I am sure. We simply need to Be Still, and Know that His plan will play out, and there IS a reason for all of it.

I started making a list of all of our blessings, of all the positives that have happened and it turned a devastated moment into another miracle. Chris's work has been AMAZING and there have been enough workers that donated their PTO to cover our stay out here..both weeks if necessary. People have gifted us money which has been a blessing in covering our travel expenses. Those loved ones watching our kids that brings us so much peace that they are being LOVED, and spoiled and this won't disrupt them at all. Chris and I get some quiet, peaceful alone time together to go through this and strengthen our marriage. And to all the hundreds of people praying for us - your faith and love humbles us and strengthens us. Thank You.

So that is our update  Friday we will know more and we'll keep praying!

This video has carried me through and I know that there are so many others out there going through hard times. Be Still and Know that He is God. It always works out in the end. Never Give Up.
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Thursday, October 17, 2013

Our Guided Journey

I'm not quite sure where to start..
So after we were told No, because my previa was complete..we went to work, not wanting to accept No for an answer. I started talking to Denver, but felt uneasy. I didn't like that they did it different than the leading hospitals, I didn't like that as much as I wanted the surgery, I didn't like the risks that doing it with the previa there, opened up. So we prayed..we knew that we needed a miracle. And we know that through our faith, and according to the will of our Heavenly Father..He can work miracles. Through Priesthood Blessings and through the prayers of everyone praying for us and through our prayers..we received our miracle just in time. A week and a half after my ultrasound confirming I have complete Placenta Previa, I had another ultrasound confirming that it was gone. That it was 3.2 cm away from my cervix, and hadn't just budged a moved completely out of the way, opening up the option to do this surgery.
 A miracle.
Every Doctor has told me that they've never seen it move in the time frame we needed.
I would be one in a million if it did.
And it did.

So after crying, and saying prayers of gratitude..we went to work calling San Francisco to move forward. Another roadblock was brought up to test our faith: "Your insurance won't budge with us, and our rules are that it needs to be paid for upfront before the surgery is performed." Definitely not an option.  But luckily the lady there is amazing and suggested we call other hospitals because SF is one of the most expensive due to cost of living there. So we did, and we were once again guided to where we needed to go. Vanderbilt Children's Hospital in Nashville, TN is cheaper, they're one of the top 3 best that started the surgery study and they will do the surgery before knowing what the insurance says. They have payment plans, and are so understanding and flexible. The lady immediately had me fax everything over, she looked them over and said, go get an amnio and you'll be set.
"Can you be here on Monday for an evaluation and we'll do the surgery on Tuesday?? "
This was on Tuesday. Today is Thursday, and the amnio was done on Tuesday, last of records were sent are booked, plans are made to drop our kids off in Idaho to be with family while Chris and I go to Nashville.

The biggest lesson we've learned is to never stop. To have faith means to step forward, and keep stepping forward knowing you'll be guided in the direction you need to go.  And when it's meant to happen, things will be worked out to make them happen.

These past 2 weeks have been guided..there's no doubt about that. The way things fell into place on such a time crunch..the way appts were cancelled so I could be seen in time, the way people were kind and told us to call other places..the way nurses faxed things on time for us. And most of all, our miracle of having the previa moved. There's NO DOUBT in my mind, that this surgery is going make a huge difference for Camden. I know that. I may be terrified, never having had a surgery before... so I've never even been put out. But I KNOW that I am being guided, strengthened, and lead to do what's best for Camden. I'll be in the best hands possible with the best staff who has done this many times. It's all starting to set in, and I am scared..but I know it will be okay. I have faith..I know that Camden has angels watching over him..I have a husband who has been my rock, my support and who will be there holding my hand every step of the way and I have a Heavenly Father and Savior who are always there for me.
I feel an amazing connection with Camden and I feel his strength and I can't wait to have this all be over and hold him, and look into his eyes and thank him for choosing us. He's already changing us and will continue to help us become the people we need to be. I am so grateful for this opportunity, and for the lessons I've already learned. I'm grateful for the timing of it..for the way being Beachbody coaches has already helped get us to the point to where we CAN handle this. Where we do Dream, where we do Believe, and where we will Achieve. Mentally, emotionally, spiritually,  physically and financially, we have been prepared for this time in our lives. Thank you for the prayers and support on our behalf. We will never be able to express how much we have felt it, and how much it means to us. 

Now onto the next step of our guided be continued! 

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Tuesday, October 8, 2013

His hand in all things

Several years ago I made a decision that I was going to start looking for the hand of  the Lord in all things.  I grew up knowing that He loves and cares about us and if we live righteously, He will bless us. But these last several years, I've increased my faith in His ability to guide my life. I share that because it will allow you to understand how I feel about some of the things that have been happening with my family this past week.

Last Tuesday we had the news about baby Camden confirmed by a specialist.  Tuesday night an amazing friend stayed up until 2 a.m. researching about fetal surgery for spina bifida, a procedure that we were told about and quickly wrote off under the weight and emotion of the news we received.  Wednesday Mindy's mom was also at work researching fetal surgery. That day the news started to sink in but then after hearing about fetal surgery being a viable option from this friend and Mindy's mom, we were upbeat and excited. On Thursday I called a center that does the fetal surgery in San Francisco and we started to move forward with a plan knowing full well that the Lord expects us to act.  He answers our prayers when we are moving forward.  It is much easier to steer a car when it is moving.  On Friday, we drove to the regular doctor and the specialist to tell them in person that we needed the records sent to San Francisco in preparation for a phone consultation on Monday to see if we prequalify for the procedure.  On Saturday, we were spiritually fed and uplifted by General Conference and then Mason had one of his front teeth knocked in. (It looks like it'll be fine.) On Sunday we watched one of the best sessions of General Conference that I can recall ever. Simply amazing! On Monday, Mindy was told by the fetal surgery center in S.F. that her placenta previa is complete which excludes her from the surgery.  Mindy was crushed, but through her tears I still sensed that unwavering faith that she possesses and I wasn't about to give up hope.  The Spirit had led us down this road.  We want to do everything that we can for our son.  He needs our help.  Also on Monday,  I learned that everyone at my work will be furloughed beginning October 21st pending a government resolution. Today (Tuesday) I got notice from my boss that I have received a promotion and a pay increase. (Oh the irony...)  Tonight when Mindy picked me up, I saw a different look in her eye than she had last night.  She looked more hopeful and peaceful.  Then she added to the story by telling me that she had spoken with specialists in Denver and that they are willing to work with placenta previa although it presents added risks.  

We of course will spend the next few days researching, considering, praying, and pondering about this new door that has just opened.  But the words that have been floating around in this analytical mind that I just had to get out, couldn't wait for the rest of the story.  You see tonight, I'm not as worried about the rest of the story.  Because I know who is guiding this ship.  He has once again shown His loving and all powerful hand in our lives.  He has inspired people around us.  Their kind words and deeds have allowed us to feel more of His love.  He has given us words of comfort through His prophet and apostles.  He has allowed us to look at our lives with a different perspective and appreciate the simple things more.  He has given me a raise to help with some of the extra medical expenses.  We now have even more faith in His Priesthood. And in the way that only He can through the Spirit, He has comforted and upheld us.  

As we continue on this journey to do everything that we can for baby Camden, I will look forward to continuing to see His hand in all things.  I've learned a new motto and it is one that I want to live by.  It is simply this; Expect Miracles. 

written by: Chris

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Chicken Salad....MMMMMMM

Something I NEVER get sick of is chicken salad filling to have on hand. You can make lettuce wraps, tortilla wraps, sandwiches, put it on salad, use crackers to dip in it, or just eat plain!! It's also so easy to change it up and make it different. I love to add water chestnuts, apples, crumbled bacon, boiled eggs all diced can use Greek yogurt, and mashed avocado for the sauce...WHATEVER you want!! :) But here's a really basic recipe to use and then change up as you want: 

Classic Chicken Salad Wraps
2 cups cooked, shredded chicken
1 cup chopped celery (about 2 stalks)
1 cup halved red grapes
1 green onion, thinly sliced
1/2 cup pecan halves, roughly chopped
1/2 - 3/4 cup mayonnaise (I use Hellmann's) 
2 tablespoons fresh dill, finely chopped
1/2 teaspoon black pepper
1/2 teaspoon salt
juice of 1/2 a lemon
4 tortillas

Place the chicken, celery, grapes, green onion, and pecans in a large bowl and stir to combine. In another bowl combine 1/2 cup of mayonnaise with the dill, black pepper, salt, and lemon juice. Pour the dressing over the chicken mixture and stir until coated. Give yourself a little taste and add more salt, pepper, and/or lemon juice as you please. You can also add another 1/4 cup of mayonnaise if you like your chicken salad to be thinner. Cover and refrigerate for at least a few hours or up to overnight to allow the flavors to combine, and serve wrapped inside tortillas. 

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Monday, October 7, 2013

Roller Coasters

I grew up really enjoying Amusement Parks. I like the thrill and the scare, partly because I could see the entire ride from beginning to end. I could see the scary parts, and the calm parts and I saw the end where I would be over and I would be okay.

I wish life could be exactly like a roller coaster. We compare trials to them a lot, but today when I was thinking about this, I realized that really, they're only okay because we can SEE it all. In life, we don't have that luxury. We need to cling to faith that our Father in Heaven is in control and He DOES see the beginning to the end, and He has a much greater plan for us than we could ever make happen.

But today, I realized that I have faith in my own life and I'm okay with handing my life over..BUT it has proven much harder for me to have complete faith in turning Baby Camden's life over. We felt inspired to move forward with an Interuterin Surgery which has to be done by November 7th. This surgery drastically improves his quality of life. Instead of allowing fluid flow into his brain for another 19 weeks, this would stop the flow immediately. I felt such peace researching this, which is huge because I've never had a surgery in my life, let alone putting my children through one is the last thing I want. But the outcome of this is SO GREAT that I allowed myself to research it, call hospitals and see what we needed to do.

Well, we sent my records over and got a call today saying that RIGHT NOW, my placenta previa is complete which means the Doctors wouldn't consider me for the surgery. AND, our insurance isn't covering anything.

To say I'm devastated at the moment is an understatement. I'm confused, I'm angry, I feel so completely helpless that it's making it really hard to have faith in what is supposed to happen. What the plan is for Camden. How when I'm trying to do my part to take care of him, that something this great wouldn't be allowed. I'm so at a loss with how to pray..I KNOW that he has an amazing mission to fulfill, and I know that he is ultimately Heavenly Father's son..and that HE will take care of Camden - but I wish I could see the end of this roller coaster. I wish I knew what to do.

So I did the only thing I knew what to try and feel some comfort right now. I listened to a talk by the prophet.

"We were not placed on this earth to walk alone. What an amazing source of power, of strength, and of comfort is available to each of us. He who knows us better than we know ourselves, He who sees the larger picture and who knows the end from the beginning, has assured us that He will be there for us to provide help if we but ask. We have the promise, "pray always, and be believing, and all things shall work together for your good.

As our prayers ascend heavenward, let us not forget the words taught to us by the Savior. When He faced the excruciating agony of Gethsemane and the cross, He prayed to the Father, "Not my will, but thing, be done." Difficult as it may at times be, it is for us, as well, to trust our Heavenly Father to know best how and when and in what manner to provide the help we seek.

I cherish the words of this poem:

I know now by what methods rare,
But this I know, God answers prayer.
I know that He has given His Word,
Which tells me prayer is always heard.
And will be answered, soon or late.
And so I pray and calmly wait.
I know not if the blessing soughtWill come in just the way I thought,
But leave my prayers with Him alone,
Whose will is wiser than my own,
assured that He will grant my quest,
or send some answer far more blest. "

I need to be humble...I need to be patient...and I need to devour myself in prayer and pray to know HIS will and trust that Camden will be OKAY.

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Thursday, October 3, 2013

Just Another Friday..

Have you ever had a moment in your life where everything changed? knew the rest of your life was going to be forever different??

I had never had this happen before. Except for moments like getting married and the delivery of my babies.

But this was different...

My day had gone like this...woke up, had breakfast as a family, a coach call with one of my coaches, and then I rushed off for my 20 week ultrasound and doctor appointment. My ultrasound was taking longer than normal, but I loved every minute of seeing that little boy. I waited for my Doctor appointment, but it was getting over an hour wait and I finally called Chris to come get me. This was my 4th, I knew that these monthly appointments lasted 10 minutes and I would be fine waiting another I thought!
 So he picked me up and we went home. It was a beautiful day here in Vegas. We had the windows open and I was SOOO happy. It was just a great day, and I couldn't wait to be playing outside with my family. The day continued on and then around 5pm, my beautiful little family, my husband, my 5 year old daughter Addison, my 3 year old son Mason, and my 2 year old daughter McKinley and I were all on our way to the park. Addison had been asking to go disc golfing again and we thought that was a genius idea.

On the way to the park I listened to my messages on my phone and one of them was from my Doctor and he said this:
"Mindy, I'm sorry we missed you earlier, I'm so sorry about the wait. But I'm looking at your films here and there are some things we need to discuss and I need to have you referred to a specialist."

My heart sank.

Not knowing what anything was, my motherly instincts for this little boy came out and my mind was racing. We discussed what all the options could be while at the park, but there was no way I was present with my mind was just spinning. I called him back and he told me the news:

"There's an opening in your son's spine at the very bottom which is a sign of Spina Bifida. There's also some dilation in his brain in 2 spots, he has club feet and you're showing signs of Placenta Previa." heart dropped even lower. I didn't know what to say. I didn't know what I was supposed to feel, or what I was supposed to do. I didn't know how this was caused, how a perfectly normal pregnancy, and my healthiest could all of sudden turn like that.

But through all of these thoughts, I simply told him. "okay..we can only move forward..this is something that is out of our control. I know there's a reason for this and Heavenly Father's WILL, will happen."

We set up the referral and over the next few days I researched what all these unknown terms were and I cried and cried like I never had before. Mainly over how I was going to go through all of this. How we were going to make this work with Chris's job, how he was supposed to take time off for the surgeries and how I was going to go from barely handling my own 3 kids right now, to taking care of 4, one of which will take extra special care. How I was going to keep working from home and and managing everything. I cried for our baby..I cried for the pain he would have to endure, the way he'll be taken right after delivery into this wasn't how deliveries were supposed to happen!! I'm supposed to be excited about delivery, and over holding him close for hours after and being able to tell him everything is going to be okay!!

Everyone keeps telling me, everything is going to be okay!! I know that, but I don't know what okay is!!! I don't know if okay is that he'll come out and walk, with no brain damage or if he'll have extensive brain damage and not walk. I don't know if he'll be a rare percentage that are meant to have a short time on earth or not.
I don't know any of this. I DO know that whatever happens, it's going to be okay - I know that.

I just wish I knew the outcome now.
I wish I could take his pain away.
I wish that I had a crystal ball and could see the future.

But you know what??
Through this all, I have felt arms wrapped around me from my Savior and from my Father in Heaven. This is His child. He has entrusted this amazing little angel into our lives for a reason. To teach us. To strengthen us. And everything WILL be okay..because our Father in Heaven is the one in charge and that brings me more comfort than anything a Doctor will tell me. I know that we'll be guided, we'll be comforted to know what path to take with his care. I know that he will be born the way he is supposed to be to live out this special mission he has before him. I know that I am extremely blessed to have such a special spirit growing inside of me and that bond I feel with him is unlike anything I've felt before.

We are lucky.
We will be taken care of.
And even though I feel so inadequate, and I feel like I'm not grown up enough yet to even have 4 kids - that my weaknesses will be made up for. I do have faith. I have my moments where I feel strong, and I have my moments where I cry out for help. But I have faith and I believe in Eternal families and I believe in Heavenly Father knowing the start from the end with our lives. It's all going to be okay. I don't know how...but it will be.

Our little Angel

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Monday, May 6, 2013

Cashew Cookies

You know me...I love healthifying cookies!! My kids love them and I love experimenting and throwing in ingredients that are in my pantry. Here's a new one that is great refigerated or frozen. You can add Protein Powder, or other seeds and nuts. I love to play around and throw in whatever! 

1 C cashews
1/2 C oats
1.5 TBSP honey
1 TBSP Peanut butter 
1 TSP vanilla
3 TBSP Carob Chips

  • Directions
  • In a food processor, combine oats and cashews until they reach a flour consistency. 
  • Add in remaining ingredients except for chips. Process for a few minutes, until doughy consistency forms. It may still seem a big crumbly, but will feel like dough when you press it. 
  • Mix in Carob Chips
  • Form and press into inch sized balls and transfer to a plate. The chocolate may melt a bit since the dough will be warm from the processor. This is ok!  Can be refrigerated or frozen :)

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Friday, May 3, 2013

Keep It Simple Cookies

Keep It Simple Cookies!!


2 large bananas (can be a few days old for easier mashing)
1 cup quick-cooking oats
Mix-ins of your choice (I used dark carob chips and a pinch of cinnamon)

1. Preheat oven to 350°F.
2. Mash the bananas in a medium bowl. Add the oats and whichever mix-ins you choose (I recommend a handful of dark carob chips, crushed walnut pieces, cinnamon or raisins - I chose dark carob chips and cinnamon) and mix.
3. Shape into balls with your hands and place on a baking pan covered with parchment paper (I used parchment instead of greasing the pan). Press down into a disc shape if desired.
4. Bake for 12-15 minutes (mine were done after 12).
5. Enjoy!

YIELD: 12-16 cookies 
COOKING TIME: 12-15 minutes

You can turn these into Protein bites, by adding protein powder!! Our favorite is RAW PROTEIN from Garden of LIFE. Besides Shakeology, we've never seen anything so nutrient packed, especially in a protein powder. This has organic sprouted quinoa, organic millet sprout, organic flax seed sprout, and so on. Finally a protein powder that is 100% clean and has ing's that are doing amazing things for your body! We had ours shipped from the Vitamin Shoppe online and it came the next day with free shipping. 

I got my Carob Chips at Winco in their bulk section. I know they're also available at Whole Foods and other Health stores.  Unlike chocolate, carob is naturally sweet, low in fat, high in fiber, has calcium, and no caffeine. And because chocolate is linked to migraines and caffeine-sensitivity for some people, carob definitely has its advantages. Carob comes from the pod of a tree that grows along the Mediterranean Sea. The pod contains a sweet, edible pulp. Once dried and roasted, the pulp is ground into a powder called carob flour (but more commonly referred to as "carob powder"). It's similar to cocoa powder in color and can be substituted one-for-one in recipes, but carob is unique with its own special flavor and texture. If you've never tried carob, you're in for a treat. It's sweet, mild and packed with pectin, a soluble fiber. Traditionally, it was used to soothe an upset stomach. The chips are sweeter so you don't need to use as much as you would with regular Hershey's chocolate. 

There's so many options to do with this cookies. I like to add in trail mix and random nuts and seeds. They're so versatile and HEALTHY! 

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Thursday, May 2, 2013

Dream It, Believe It, Achieve It

We all have goals, but are they goals or just wishes?? I've always had tons of wishes. I would cut magazine pictures and cover my walls with them when I was little. I would dream about who I wanted to be, but I absolutely did NOT believe I could do it. Those wishes were for other rich, talented and successful people. Well, after I got married and had kids right off, I really lost my identity. I became even more discouraged of where life was taking me and I felt lost and behind. When I finally decided to start my journey with Beachbody, I made a dreamboard. And it's currently the background on my computer, and I'm slowly checking things off the list. I am striving each day, to grow into the person that I need to be to fulfill my goals. It's not enough to just look at it, you have to WORK FOR IT!! 

 When obstacles come, and perhaps a certain dream didn't happen on the day that you had it happening..OH WELL!! It doesn't mean you quit. It is always TOO EARLY to quit. So get back to work, and just adjust the date, and REFUSE to not have a goal happen!! 

Those physical goals I have are not going to happen by me looking at a picture of a fit girl with a toned stomach and arms. As hard as it is for me to make the time each day, it's non-negotiable. We are all busy. I get so tired of that excuse. None of us are just sitting home on the couch all day. So sacrifice and MAKE time and SCHEDULE those 45 minutes into your day each day. It's as important as showering and getting dressed each day. You need that energy and those endorphins to be the happy, optimistic person that you are!! 

Don't get discourage by how far away those dreams may seem. Look back at how far you've come. I was so blessed that day in this picture, but I was crushed inside by how far away "the girl I wanted to be" was. I dreaded pictures, I dreaded seeing people. I felt so stuck.
Never give up!! Try a little harder each day and keep your eye on the prize. It will come!! 

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Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Revision Fitness is on FIRE

It's been a crazy week - so I'm playing catch up, but first things first!! Our team is ON FIRE! These rockstars have all advanced in rank this past week and I couldn't be more proud! Of course rank doesn't mean everything, but it DOES mean that these coaches are paying it forward, and helping others have the same unique experience to change their life and have that ripple effect of serving others. I'm proud of their hard work, and I love seeing them succeed and watching their confidence grow. Way to go you rockstars! I truly believe this is just the beginning for them!

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Thursday, April 25, 2013

Cauliflower Crust Pizza

Serves 2
1 cup cooked, riced cauliflower
1 cup shredded mozzarella cheese
1 egg, beaten
1 teaspoon dried oregano
½ teaspoon crushed garlic
½ teaspoon garlic salt
olive oil (optional) 
pizza sauce, shredded cheese and choice of your toppings
(I use spinach, tomatoes, turkey bacon, olives - and I make my own sauce )

To "rice" the Cauliflower: Take 1 large head of fresh cauliflower, remove stems and leaves, and chop the florets into chunks. Add to food processor and pulse until it looks like grain. Do not over-do pulse or you will puree it. (If you don't have a food processor, you can grate the whole head with a cheese grater). Place the riced cauliflower into a microwave safe bowl and microwave for 8 minutes. There is no need to add water, as the natural moisture in the cauliflower is enough to cook itself. One large head should produce approximately 3 cups of riced cauliflower. The remainder can be used to make additional pizza crusts immediately, or can be stored in the refrigerator for up to one week.

To Make the Pizza Crust:

Preheat oven to 450 degrees. Spray a cookie sheet with non-stick cooking spray.
In a medium bowl, stir together 1 cup cauliflower, egg and mozzarella. Add oregano, crushed garlic and garlic salt, stir. Transfer to the cookie sheet, and using your hands, pat out into a 9" round. Optional: Brush olive oil over top of mixture to help with browning.
Bake at 450 degrees for 15 minutes.
Remove from oven.

To the crust, add sauce, toppings and cheese. Place under a broiler at high heat just until cheese is melted (approximately 3-4 minutes).
*Note: Toppings need to be precooked since you are only broiling for a few minutes.

I love that I can make a pizza that doesn't make me feel gross after and that is completely healthy and kid friendly! My kids love pizza, and they 100% approve of this one and they like picking out their own toppings and making their half of it :)

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Monday, April 22, 2013

Don't Wait for SOMEDAY!

Do you ever feel like you just go through the motions each day, just trying to survive and make it through. You're tired, you're stressed, depressed and you've turned to food without realizing it and just the thought of exercising makes you tired? We had no idea how much we had let ourselves go...or we were just in denial of it, because of how stressed our lives were. We knew that SOMEDAY we would change, when we had time and money. But that SOMEDAY got pushed back each day until 4 years had gone by and we knew we couldn't live with how we felt one more day. We were done watching hours of Netflix each night while we ate ice cream. We were done using genetics as an excuse. We were just done.

You have to WANT to change. Because change isn't easy. It's uncomfortable and you have to make sacrifices. We all want to be healthy and fit, but sometimes you don't want to put in the hard work to get there, or make the sacrifices with time, money and food, so you turn to quick fixes which only result in having to do them over and over because they don't last. I know, I was the queen of quick fixes :) We knew this needed to be a lifestyle change, because we wanted to feel good inside and out. Not just lose weight.

When we decided to change, we had no idea how far this was going to take us. We had started eating clean and running and that was going good, but we hit a stand still. Then we found Beachbody and Shakeology and everything changed. Insanity was taking us to another level of fitness we had never been before..Shakeology was taking away our cravings and giving us energy and mental clarity. It was nourishing our bodies with nutrients that we couldn't get any other way, and we literally felt our bodies coming alive. We were toning up and getting so close to our goals in just a few months. We both have heart disease and other health problems that run in our families and it brings us such comfort that we are preventing that. We are strong mentally and physically. This has helped bring back confidence, and belief in ourselves that we can do hard things. Chris is off his anti-depressants, and we both know how to pick ourselves up each day, and think positive. This has changed us inside and out. We feel like this is the REAL us - unlike before where we felt trapped, knowing there was more to life. This is what life is supposed to be like. We feel ALIVE and PASSIONATE and EXCITED each day. Life is AMAZING!!

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Saturday, April 20, 2013

Paleo Veggie Medley || Fast Paleo Veggie Medley

I'm always looking for a way to change up avocados. I don't typically enjoy the adding all these other veggies, really helped me to get my healthy fats in :)


1/2 ripe avocado, sliced

1 green onion, finely chopped
About 1/4 – 1/2 medium ripe vine tomato, diced
1/4 cup sweet potato, diced
1/4 cup zucchini, diced
1/2-1 tbsp coconut oil

Cooking Steps

Place avocado and tomato on a small plate or in a small bowl. Set to the side.

Sauté green onion, sweet potato and zucchini in coconut oil over low to medium heat for a few minutes or until zucchini and sweet potato are tender. Once done sautéing, top the avocado and tomato with the sautéed vegetables.

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Friday, April 19, 2013

Don't underestimate yourself!

I LOVE that even though I'm not where I want to be yet..that I can finally not hide behind the camera or behind Chris. I was looking through our pictures, and it's just sad how many pictures I'm not in, because I was so ashamed of how I looked. 
NO ONE should feel that way. 

We are all so unique and blessed with bodies that can do amazing things. It takes sacrifice and a DESIRE to change and when we take care of our bodies, they reward us in return. If you want it bad enough, you will sacrifice time, money and whatever it takes to get what you want. It wasn't easy to give up certain foods, but I wanted to feel good bad enough. I wanted to feel good physically and emotionally, and I got my wish. Having 3 kids in 4 years was tough. But I used it as an excuse for 5 years that I didn't have time to exercise, that my body would never be the same, and I was too tired. It's true..pregnancy does take a toll on our bodies, and we have to work even harder and eat more clean to regain our strength back. BUT, I'm a better Mom now, than I ever have been, because I feel better and have more energy. It helps a lot to have nutrients back in my body, and taking that time for yourself each day makes you a better individual. My body isn't the same as's even stronger. Thank You Shakeology and Beachbody workout programs, for taking to me a place physically and mentally that I've never been before. 

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Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Southwestern Stuffed Spaghetti Squash

This was a hit for the entire family...even my weee little ones :) Of course my littlest picks out the black beans because she thinks they're raisins..but I'll take it!

What it took for 2:
* 1 spaghetti squash
* 2 Tbs. extra-virgin olive oil
* 1/2 red onion, chopped
* 3 garlic cloves, minced
* 1 jalapeno pepper, minced (leave seeds in for more heat)
* 1 red bell pepper, chopped
* 1 Tbs. ground cumin
* 1 Tbs. Mexican oregano
* 1 Tbs. chili powder
* 1 can black beans (drained and rinsed)
* 1 cup frozen corn, thawed
* coarse salt and freshly ground pepper
* 1/2 cup freshly torn cilantro, plus more for garnish
* 1 lime
* 1 cup grated cheddar cheese
Preheat oven to 375.
Roast squash on a baking sheet for 50 minutes. Let cool another 30 minutes, then cut in half. Spoon out the seeds, then using a fork, scrape up the flesh, making the “spaghetti.” Isn’t that cute?
Heat oil in a medium skillet. Add the onion, garlic, jalapeno pepper and red bell pepper. Saute 2 minutes. Add cumin, Mexican oregano, chili powder and a good pinch of salt and pepper. Saute another minute. Add the beans, corn and cilantro. Stir to combine. Squeeze in the lime juice and give one last stir.
Add in half the “spaghetti” to the bean mixture and stir to combine. Taste and season accordingly. I probably tossed in a little more salt at this point.
Switch oven to broil.
Stuff each squash half with the mixture and top with grated cheese.
Stick it back under the broiler until the cheese melts and gets all brown and bubbly, baby.
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