Thursday, May 14, 2015


Today is a day we'll never forget...with tears streaming down my face, I struggle to find the right words to share with the world just how much today means to us. 

I remember as newlyweds, I was pregnant and sick and yet I was working 12+ hour shifts, taking breaks to run to the bathroom due to morning sickness, Chris was working and going to school and we were doing everything we could to make ends meet. I then had to come home because I was so sick and for the next several years, I watched my husband work so incredibly hard so I could stay home with my 3 back to back kids. Those years were a whirlwind. I hated watching him work multiple jobs, and come home and do homework and I hated living in government funded housing and use food stamps to help get groceries. I hated never seeing my best friend and I dreamed of a day when we would be FREE. I dreamed of a day when I could say YES to friends when they wanted to go out, because I could actually afford it someday. I dreamed of a day when my kids could go do dance classes or play soccer and pursue their talents. I dreamed of a day when I could buy a car full of HEALTHY groceries and a day when I could go visit family whenever we wanted without saving up for the travel costs and not worrying about losing those days off of work.

Fast forward to 2.5 years ago...we had hit a point in our lives when Chris DID have a great job, and we were finally able to make all of our payments by ourselves, but there wasn't much hope of SAVING. We were at a point where we knew it was time to CHANGE. I didn't know who I was anymore...I was depressed, so uncomfortable in my own skin, and scared of the example I was setting for my children, but didn't know how to get out of that hole. I saw some posts on Facebook of this girl who spoke to me. We messaged, I felt hope, and I signed up as Beachbody Coach. The moment that would forever change our lives.

TODAY...I know without a doubt who I am, my purpose here on earth, and I feel a never ending fire burning within me to be a lighthouse for others who are in that same hole I was, to help them see that they have the power to change their story in this very moment and write the rest of their life story. I feel a burning mission inside to help people KNOW WHO THEY ARE, and to empower themselves through health and fitness. The past 2.5 years have been some of the HARDEST and most life changing years of our lives. I overcame an eating disorder, Chris was able to go off depression mediation and go through some intense OCD therapy and find freedom, I went through a risky fetal surgery for my 4th baby and was on hospital bedrest afterwards. I've learned how to juggle 4 young kids, and go to all the appointments that come with Spina Bifida, find out I have an autoimmune disease and still build this business while my husband was an hour away at work working 12 hours. I had more moments than I could count where I doubted that I could do this. Through all of those trials, I kept my eyes on WHY......

WHY is today so significant???

Because thanks to this incredible opportunity, Chris was able to put in his notice at his job. In 3 weeks - our dream will be a reality. The dream I would day dream about...him not leaving before the sun comes up, him seeing the kids for more than 2 hours a day. I DREAMED about having a FULL TIME FAMILY. I dreamed of having him home to help with Camden. The thought of him being able to help take the kids to school and coach their sport teams, and do this business with me at home and pursue HIS dream. I dreamed of him being able to use his story to help others, and to have the FREEDOM of TIME! TIME is PRICELESS. This is our ONE LIFE and I wanted to live it to the fullest! I thought of how many more people we can reach as we combine forces. After all, that's what life is all about...helping others. #everyonematters

So today..I will write in my journal how much gratitude I feel for this dream coming true. To bring our family this freedom of TIME. I'll write of how we're moving to Utah to allow Camden to get the care he deserves at the Spina Bifida Clinic in Salt Lake City and how I get choked up thinking about how we're able to help him in this way. I'll write how much gratitude I feel for a loving Heavenly Father who has prepared us to be able to do this, and who has place those promptings in our hearts to make this decision NOW.

We are truly moving forward with faith and jumping and spreading our wings.

Thank you Carl Daikeler for this opportunity that has blessed our family more than you'll ever know. Thank you to my amazing team, who are like sisters to me. This is just the start for Unbreakable Nation 

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