It was interesting to see facebook show me a post from 4 said:
"11 more hours and we get to spend a couple days with Chris!!"
It took me back in time to when we were living apart for a few months. Chris was doing his internship in Vegas, and I was in Idaho Falls getting ready to have our 3rd baby in 4 years. Those months were hard to be separated like that. I found this picture that was just a couple weeks before having McKinley..I was taking Addison and Mason to a carnival alone, and I remember how overwhelmed I was. I was praying that the induction would work out okay so that Chris could be there for the birth. I was dreading the thought of him heading back to Vegas soon after. I was worrying about what we would do if he didn't get this job. We were living on Government aid, skyping with Chris at night, and praying that he would get this job so we could get out of the hard times that we were in.
4 weeks after the delivery, we took a leap of faith and the kids and I packed everything up and moved down to be with him. We didn't have the job yet, but we were believing that he would get it, and we just wanted to be a family again. We lived in an extended stay hotel, then in an apt, and then we finally got the job and were able to rent our FIRST house. The years of apartment living were finally over. Things were looking up, but there was something inside that said, "there's more."
We wanted to feel good, we wanted to be healthy and strong, we wanted freedom of debt, to have savings, freedom of TIME, freedom to vacation and to see family, and to secure our future, and freedom of depression and anxiety.
10 months later we signed up as Beachbody coaches to work on ourselves and get the coach discount. Everything changed from that moment forward. Together we lost 100 lbs, we got in the best shape of our lives, the depression was lifting, we were becoming positive, ambitious, productive and started dreaming big.
That picture 4 years ago reminds me of how far we've come. It reminds me that no matter where you are, how low you are, the despair you may be feeling like I did....
There is light at the end of the tunnel if you BELIEVE, if you take opportunities, and if you FIGHT for your dreams.
The picture on the right is everything I had dreamed of. To wake up and LOVE my life, to have that freedom mentally, physically, financially, and most importantly TIME. Was the journey easy?? No...we experienced some of our hardest times of our lives along the way, but because of everything we had learned as coaches, and the mental strength we had developed - we went through those trials with a different perspective.
And now - 2.5 years later Chris is retired from that government job, chasing his dreams. We are making a solid 6 figure income from home, with the freedom to live where we want, pay for the medical care that my youngest son with Spina Bifida needs, help others and live life by design.
It doesn't matter where you are - you can start NOW to fight for your dreams and for the life you want to live. It made ZERO sense to start coaching when I did. I was home with 3 kinds under 4 by myself for 13 hours a day..but I KNEW that I could do this. I KNEW this would help me turn into the person I always wanted to be, and I fell in love with the journey of helping others. It's a DREAM COME TRUE.
Take this leap with me, and let's make your dreams come true. You can apply here:
and join an incredible team with TOP TRAINING, FUN and amazing friendships <3.