Saturday, May 23, 2015

5 Day Sneak Peek into Beachbody Coaching

I used to be the girl who stood in the back of a crowd, when something was scary I would turn around and leave..when opportunities arose, I declined for fear of failure. I passed up a lot of amazing opportunities. 
And that's okay, because everything in life has a purpose, and I'm grateful for everything that has brought to where I am today. 

And today - I live with courage, I soak up opportunities, and I work hard to make the most of this ONE LIFE. I don't want to miss anything anymore. And when I think of what life would be like if I had passed up the opportunity with Beachbody Coaching,
I shudder.
I'm a different person now, my family's life is different..everything is different, and for that I am so grateful.

Coaching provides an environment for you to work on you. It doesn't require expertise by any means. I'm just a small town girl from Idaho, who is a college drop out, who quit almost everything that would come along because I was scared of failure. My house has milk spills, cheerios, and unmade beds. My kids have cold cereal for dinner more times than I'd like to admit. I forget pajama days at school, and really need to clean out my car ;). I'm just ME...flaws and all, but I have a passion in having this time to ME each day where I get to talk with other Moms and we get to make this world a healthier and happier place.

It holds you accountable for your health and fitness, it pushes you to stay consistent, it pushes you to GROW yourself internally through personal development. Through this you learn how to have an unshakeable belief in yourself, you learn how to have a better attitude, you learn how to BELIEVE in those around you, you learn time management etc. All of these things help you come up out of the dirt and start to bloom. We're all like little seeds trying to fight through the dirt to pop up, get air and breathe and then start to grow and bloom into something bigger than we ever imagined.

That's why I believe we're here. We are here to have dirt thrown on us, we're here to get stepped on sometimes, and have weeds take over us and choke us sometimes. We GET to have that happen in order to REALIZE our strength, our determination, our FIGHT that's in us. We all WANT to be more!!! We all want to make a difference!!! None of us want to stay the same. We all have big goals deep inside of us that we want to happen.

Well, as coaches - we start to believe that those dreams don't need to stay inside anymore. Every goal in life deserves to be worked towards. Because as you're working on YOU through health and fitness and personal development, you don't just dream anymore, you make it a goal and you BELIEVE that it can happen! You have a team surrounding you to lift you up, to push you, to believe in you and you start feel this amazing FAMILY feeling. You feel a part of something HUGE and AMAZING.

I not only FOUND ME again, I learned how to CREATE me. I pulled that shy, let me stay in the background, girl out and I started to realize that I had a passion for helping people realize their self worth, their divine nature, their significance, their value, their belief in themselves. I want them to feel empowered. I want them to realize that a health and fitness journey is anything but the's the opposite. It's about becoming STRONG, and unstoppable. It's about leading the way as MOM's for our family to live a healthier life. To FEEL AMAZING while we're here.

So's changed my life physically, emotionally, financially, and spiritually and I post this because I know there are others out there who want more..who have been where I was and I want to tell YOU that I want to help you on your own journey. That you can coach can be IMPERFECT just like our team is..we all fail every single day..but we get back up and keep moving forward to BECOMING WHO WE ARE.

So if you've ever thought about coaching, I'm running a 5 Day FREE SNEAK PEEK that will explain all the nitty gritty into what Coaching is. This group will be in a private group on Facebook, so please message me.

I will personally be mentoring 5 women who are ready to make this change in their life next month. These women must be:
*want to work on themselves with their health and fitness journey
*want to gain a stronger belief in themselves
*want to earn extra money to pay off debt or more
*put their excuses out the window and be willing to WORK
*excited and passionate!!
*care about others, and want to make a difference

Sound like you??
Send me a message on or OR click here to fill out the application! 

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