Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Think you have to be perfect to be a coach???...think again...

Ever thought you could never be a coach because of your "failures" or because you're not "fit" or "perfect?"

Let's take a look at my "resume":

If we walked around with signs that were like our resumes for life...It kinda stinks looking at mine. Not exactly the "IDEAL CANDIDATE" to teach people how to overcome negative thinking, or how to eat healthy, or how to finish a workout program, etc. wink emoticon haha! Kinda funny how I'm helping people with things that are my struggles and failures right?? If I had to apply to a BOSS, and show him my resume, I can guarantee you that no one would hire me - especially for what I do right now!

So I'm pretty grateful for a job that I can do from home, where I didn't have to have someone look at just my "victories" or my "successes" to see if I would be an "ideal candidate." After all, how many bosses want to hear about your behind the scene victories?? I'm grateful that with what I do, it's all about being REAL, and I'm able to help people because I'VE BEEN THERE! I've been in the trenches, and somedays I STILL AM! I'm grateful that I'm able to share these FAILURES, and show how I'm working to overcome them. I'm so grateful that I'm able to use my trials to help others in this way. I'm so grateful to be part of a company where they have the BEST products available to literally change people's lives. I'm SO GRATEFUL for this job where I'm able to work on myself every single day.

Was it completely natural to start sharing my story and be vulnerable?? NO!! Did I start out with a lot of social media experience?? NO! I didn't even have a smart phone when I started, didn't know what Instagram or Twitter was and I re-opened by Facebook account after having closed it for a year and just jumped in and learned and shared my ups and downs of Mom life! Since then, I've had people in challenge groups month after month, sharing what I've learned, sharing my recipes, sharing what we eat as a family, sharing how I make this work with young kids, cheering people on, pushing them to break down their barriers, and watching people's health drastically change. It's been AHHHHMAZING! This has turned into something that has more than doubled our income, and is continually growing. A full time income from home - I never DREAMED that was possible! It's been something that I know Heavenly Father was preparing me for because That's what has allowed us to have the fetal surgery, pay off debt, get caught up on mine and Camden's medical bills, get a new reliable vehicle, go on family vacations etc, SAVE SAVE SAVE and ultimately RETIRE Chris from his government job and now he's able to chase HIS dreams. This has shown me how something I've always dreamed of..making a difference in this world, can come to pass when you get VULNERABLE and realize that your personal battles are there for a REASON! We're not alone in these...everyone has them, but when we unite together, we can fight them together and succeed. This has been a tender mercy in our lives.

So I'm grateful for my failures. My big giant life full of things I was once so embarrassed by, - I'm now grateful for. They used to be my labels..but now they've refined me into someone I'm learning to love. I wouldn't be the same without them. And there's a reason you have the ones that you have too!

You may not want me as your coach because of them, but I'm showing you that no matter what YOU struggle with or look like, YOU can coach too. Because your story is there to help others. You will be able to help people that NEED you to be vulnerable. And your income will always be a direct reflection of those lives you help change. There are people all over the world that are at home struggling just like you and by a simple post on social media, you could be the one that pulls them out. That's how it happened for me.

I want to talk to 5 people that want to WORK on themselves inside and out.
I want to talk to 5 people that want to inspire others.
I want to talk to 5 people that OWN their failures and struggles.
I want to talk to 5 people that are ready to get our of debt and secure their future
I want to talk to 5 people that have dreams and goals for their future and want to make those happen.

You can apply for our training here: https://unbreakablenation.wufoo.com/forms/coach-application/

No more being scared.
No more hiding .. it's YOUR time to break out of that shell and start LIVING <3.

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